Deadlines and Useful Information

Deadline for Applications

For the academic year from October 1st, 2024 to September 30th, 2025:

Visiting Professorships Deadline:

November 30th, 2023

Post-doctoral Researchers Deadline:

December 31st, 2023

Post-doctoral Researchers (one year extension) Deadline:

December 31st, 2023



One Year Extensions

Post-doctoral researchers may request an extension of one year only to their Fellowships. The deadline for such an extension is as advertised above. There is no need to submit all the information again.
We will need:
  1. A letter from the candidate explaining the request for the extension. 
  2. A supporting letter from the sponsor confirming the request for the extension which must include a written commitment to fund half the cost of the Fellowship (see the note below). 
  3. Updated CV - Please be sure to include your current address and telephone number.  Please do not simply send a photocopy of what you sent us the previous year.  Your updated CV must at least include a line stating which Fellowship you were awarded, whether Lady Davis or otherwise.
  4. Updated List of Publications

Extensions are awarded to Post-Doctoral Researchers only if there is a written committment on the part of the sponsor, or the Department, or the Faculty to fund half the cost of the Fellowship. 

Masters Degree Program

The Hebrew University does not offer Fellowships to students studying for a Masters Degree Program.


Fellowships may not be deferred from one year to the next.


The Ranking Process

Lady Davis Fellowships are awarded after a rigorous academic review process. Candidates are ranked first at the Departmental level, and then at Faculty level. The Faculty rankings are reviewed by the Academic Committee of the Trust which decides who will receive a Fellowship.

The office of the Trust coordinates applications for other professorial and Post-Doctoral Fellowships available at the University. Thus, an application made to the Trust will automatically be considered for all the other Awards at the disposal of the Hebrew University. Consequently, the award of a Fellowship at these levels could be financed either by the Trust or by any other of the Funds at the disposal of the University. The official letter of appointment, sent to the Fellow by the  Faculty Dean's office, will specify which particular award he/she has received. The terms and conditions of the awards, whether offered by the Trust or by the University, are completely identical.

The Fellowships are intended not only to promote an exchange of ideas and information, but also to cement personal relationships that will provide the basis for an ongoing academic liaison in the future.


Other Concurrent Fellowships & Employment

Fellows who have won another concurrent Fellowship must disclose this to the Trust, whereupon the amount of the award will be reviewed. As a general rule, a concurrent financial award similar to that offered by the Trust will probably entail transferring the Fellowship to another candidate. An award less than that offered by the Trust will probably entail an adjustment to the amount it will offer.

Post-Doctoral Fellows are expected to devote all their time to research. As a general rule, a Post-Doctoral Fellow must not engage during the period of the Fellowship in any employment whether paid or unpaid.   Further details will be found in paragraph 11 of the rules for Post-doctoral Fellowships in the link below:


The Period of the Fellowship

Visiting Professors are expected to take up the Fellowship within the period of the Academic year for which they have applied - in other words, between the 1st of October and the 30th of September in the following year providing the period they have chosen is acceptable to their sponsor.
Post-Doctoral Researchers are expected to commence the Fellowship on the 1st of October of the year in which the Fellowship was offered and end it on the 30th of September of the following year.  Attempts are made to be as elastic as possible should a Fellow expect to arrive before or after the 1st of October.  However, an earlier commencement or a delay of over 2 months should be reported to the office of the Trust to ensure it is acceptable.