"Technion": Israel Institute of Technology offers undergraduate and graduate studies in engineering, architecture and town planning, the sciences, and medicine. In addition, basic and applied research programs are conducted. Technion provides educational and research services to the State and people of Israel as well as to industry and governmental bodies abroad. Technion graduates play prominent roles in almost every aspect of Israels economy and defence. Sixty percent of Israels engineers are Technion graduates. The Institute opened in 1924 and has been offering Graduate Studies since 1948.Technion is located on a 300-acre campus on Mount Carmel. Comprehensive scientific and technological libraries, a computer center, and well-equipped research laboratories are available. Technion comprises the following departments and institutes, which are active in the fields listed:
"Aerospace Engineering": Aero- and gas-dynamics, combustion and aircraft propulsion, aeroelasticity, aerospace guidance and control, aircraft and spacecraft structures, and heat transfer.
"Biology": Animal physiology, biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, genetics, genetic engineering, microbiology, molecular and developmental biology, and plant biochemistry.
"Bio-Medical Engineering": Biofluid mechanics, bio-electronics, bio-materials, bio-rheology, medical instrumentation, and transport modeling of biological systems.
"Chemical Engineering": Biotechnology, ceramic material processing, chemical reactors and catalysts, fluid materials, microstructure, polymer technology and processing, NL systems, process operation and control, separation processes, surface phenomena, water technology.
"Chemistry": Analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, and theoretical chemistry.
"Civil & Environmental Engineering": Building materials, construction management, environmental and water resources , geodesy, geotechnology, soil engineering, structural engineering, and transportation engineering. Agrometeorology, utilization of solar energy, control and automation, environmental sciences, farm machinery, irrigation and land drainage engineering, management of agricultural systems, processing of farm products, soil conservation and watershed engineering, soil and water sciences, plant physiology, fertility and fertilizers. Architecture and Town Planning: Architectural design and town planning, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, and environmental studies.
"Computer Science": Automata and Formal Languages; Coding; Complexity; Computational Geometry; Cryptology; Distributed Computing; Logic and Semantics; Databases and Data Mining; Distributed and Parallel Systems; Hardware and Computer Architecture; Networks, Communication and Systems; Programming Languages; Software and Hardware Verification; Software Engineering; Theory of Algorithms; Learning; Reasoning; Geometric Modeling; Grapihics; Image Processing and Computer Vision; Robotics and Complex Systems; Scientific Computation and Numerical Analysis; Bioinformatics (Computer Science and Biology); Computational Lingustics and Natural Language Processing; Quantam Information Processing (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics and Chemistry); World Wide Web, Electronic Commerce, and Computational Finance; Operating Systems & Virtualization; Storage; System Security.

"Electrical and Computer Engineering": Communication and information theory, coding, Signal processing, image processing, machine learning and reinforcement learning, applied stochastic processes with applications to communications networks and images. Electromagnetic waves and fields, electro-optics, microelectronics and nano-electronics including plastic electronics, VLSI, computer aided design, computer architecture and new computing paradigms, parallel computing and systems, computer communications networks, computer storage, computer vision, and computer graphics, biological signals and systems.
"Biotechnology and Food Engineering ": Biochemistry, food technology, enzyme and fermentation technology, molecular biotechnology, mammalian cell technology, nutrition, toxicology, packaging, physical chemistry, microbiology of foods, process and product development, synthetic biology, drug delivery & tissue engineering, applied genomics, protein engineering, molecular microbiology, food nanotechnology, self-assembly.
"Industrial Engineering and Management": Behavioral sciences, data processing, economics, labor productivity, management operations research, optimization procedures, probability and stochastic processes, production planning and inventory control, simulation and measurment, and statistics.
"Materials Science & Engineering": Properties of metals and alloys, ceramics, electronic materials, polymers, composite materials, metallurgical processes, microstructure characterization and microstructural evolution.
"Mathematics": All aspects of pure and applied mathematics, including: functional analysis, PDE, singularity theory, probability theory, optimization, ergodic theory, topology, geometric group theory, symplectic geometry, number theory, representation theory, Hopf algebras, operator algebras, combinatorics, complextiy thoeory, discrete geometry, game theory, fluid dynamics, optics, asymptotic analysis.
"Mechanical Engineering": Production engineering, engineering design, computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), control, robotics, energy engineering, mechanics of materials, naval engineering, nuclear engineering, internal combustion engines, transport phenomena, mechatronics, turbomachinery, quality assurance, and solid modeling.
"Medicine": Medical degree studies, basic and pre-clinical sciences, research and graduate studies in medicine and life sciences, clinical teaching in affiliated hospitals (Bnei Zion Hospital, Lady davis Carmel Hospital, Rambam Medical Center, Haemek Afula Hospital, Hillel Yafe Hospital and Laniado Hospital).
"Physics": Astrophysics, chaos, high-energy physics, mathematical physics, optics, optoelectronics, theoretical and experimental solid state physics, superconductivity, physics of biological systems, and foundations of quantum mechanics. Education in Technology and Science: Teacher education in biology, chemistry, computer science, electrical and mechanical technology, mathematics, and physics, and research on learning in technology and science.
"Education in Science and Technology": Learning sciences, educational technologies, informal education, science communication, and education in a variety of STEM subjects: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, environmental studies, computer science, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering.

"General Studies": Arts, humanities, languages, physical education, and social sciences.
"Solid State Institute": Semiconductor physics, semiconductor quantum structures, heterostructure devices, optoelectronics, surface science, ion implantation, and conducting polymers.
"Space Research Institute": Space technology - satellites, communication, and remote sensing and their applications. Transportation Research Institute: Road safety, highway and traffic engineering, transportation planning, land use and urban planning, vehicle engineering, air pollution, and energy.
"Water Research Institute": Science, technology, engineering, and management of water.