The following information includes the Period of each Fellowship, Return of Expenses (for Visiting Professors), Stipend and Rent Allowance (for Post-Doctoral Fellows):
Visiting Professorships: 2 or 3 months; NIS 10,000* (per month).
Post-Doctoral Researchers: 12 months for Lady Davis Fellowship awardees. The Hebrew University decides on the duration of its Fellowships according to the University funding sources for its awardees; NIS. 6,701 (per month); NIS 1,000** rental allowance*** (per month). The Lady Davis Fellowship Trust does not fund travel expenses to conferences, or any other expense not specifically referred to on this page.

In addition:
(1) The Trust will pay for a roundtrip flight from the fellow's country of origin to Israel and back again. Full details regarding the repayment of the flight will be included in the letter of appointment sent to the Fellow. Family members accompanying a Fellow will not be eligible for reimbursement of their flight expenses.
(2) Half of the medical insurance if purchased & paid for in Israel. In any case the Trust will not pay for insurance that exceeds the standard package paid for by a normally healthy person. The Trust will also NOT finance any extra medical insurance fees that are connected to pregnancy - those costs will have to be paid for by the Post-Doctoral Fellow.
For further details call Amos Gilboa at: Yedidim Insurance Agencies at: 052-325-0975 or via email at: y_health@yedidim.co.il
Amos will also be available every Tuesday between 11:30AM - 1:00PM in room 402 of the Rothberg School.
* NIS 9,000 for an Associate Professor
** NIS 600 for single fellows
*** Providing you are renting a flat in Jerusalem or close to Jerusalem

Stipends paid to Post-doctoral Fellows are considered grants by the Authorities in Israel and are free of any tax in Israel.