The Lady Davis Trust offers two different Fellowships:
- 1. for Visiting Professors
- 2. for Post-doctoral researchers

The minimum criteria for eligibility are:
For Visiting Professors:
1. Please read carefully the paragraph below headed, "You must have an academic sponsor..."
2. You must be a Full or an Associate professor.
3. Visiting Professorships are only awarded to candidates who apply from Universities outside of Israel .
4. Visiting Professors are typically expected to teach. The Academic Committee will favourably view an application that includes an intention to teach courses or participate in or lead seminars. Visiting Professors also engage in research with their hosts, or interact with other Faculty members. The precise mix of activities will be mutually decided upon by the Visitor and his/her academic sponsor.
5. Visiting Professors who were awarded a Fellowship in the past may reapply for another providing at least 3 academic years have elapsed between applications. In other words, a Visiting Professor, who was awarded a Fellowship for the academic year 2020-21, for example, may apply again for the academic year 2024-25.
For Post-Doctoral Researchers:
1. Please read carefully the paragraph below headed, "You must have an academic sponsor..."
2. If you are applying for the Academic Year 2025-2026 you must have received your Doctorate not earlier than the first of October, 2020.
3. If you have engaged in Post-Doctoral Research at Hebrew University in any other framework, without a break from October, 2020, you will not be eligible to apply.
If you have engaged in Post-Doctoral Research at Hebrew University in any other framework, without a break before October, 2020, you will be eligible to apply for only one year of the Fellowship. You will not be able to apply for an extension.
4. Fellowships are rarely awarded to candidates who acquired their Doctorate at the Hebrew University and who wish to continue immediately after the Doctorate with a Post-Doctoral Fellowship - such candidates are required to contact 02-588-2238 or post_vp@savion.huji.ac.il
5. You may apply even if you intend to submit your dissertation for judgement in the period between the 1st of January, 2023 and the 30th of September, 2023. If the Academic Committee decides to award a Fellowship, payment will be contingent upon providing proof that the dissertation has been submitted/approved before the 30th of September, 2023.
Sponsors in the Faculties of Science, Computer Science & Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry and Agriculture will be expected to cover:
1. 20% of the total cost of the Fellowship for Visiting Professors.
2. 50% of the total cost of the Fellowship for Post-Doctoral Researchers even in the first year.
In the case of Visiting Professors, the Trust will submit a request to the sponsor for the payment of the 20% mentioned. In the case of Post-Doctoral Researchers, the sponsor should consult with the Lady Davis office and work out a mutually approved plan for payment.
Prospective candidates must establish contact with the relevant Faculty or Department at the Hebrew University, and ensure that there is a Faculty member willing to sponsor the application. We will not be able to process an application without a sponsor.
An academic sponsor does not simply agree to passively supervise your research from time to time while you are at the Hebrew University. We expect your sponsor to actively support your research proposal because it is of a nature that is closely connected to and compliments his/her own particular expertise, and opens up new areas of study which he/she would be interested to pursue. Therefore, the enthusiasm he/she can show in the letter of support to actively collaborate with you on your proposed research will indicate to the Academic Committee the importance he/she attaches to your proposed visit.
A sponsor must have the rank of Lecturer (or above) and he/she must be on the Regular Academic Track at the Hebrew University. An Emeritus Professor who is still actively participating in research at Hebrew University, and who wishes to act as a sponsor, should contact The Lady Davis office, which will submit his/her request to the Academic Committee for approval.
You may have more than one sponsor who is willing to support your application from the same Faculty/Department. If your area of research is inter-disciplinary, you must have at least one sponsor from each Faculty/Department. However, in any case, you may only submit ONE application and you will have to decide which Faculty/Department is your 'Major' and channel your application through that Faculty/Department.
Each sponsor is allowed only one candidate for each of the two different Fellowship levels. In other words the same sponsor may support one Visiting Professor and one Post-Doctoral Researcher in any one academic year.
A Sponsor may not be a referee at the same time for the same candidate and may not write a reference letter in addition to his/her letter of sponsorship either.
Please check that your sponsor is not supporting any other candidate at your level.
However if a candidate has been awarded an extension of an extra year to his Fellowship, that same sponsor may support a new candidate in the year of the extension.

There is no special form that a sponsor needs to fill out - a letter will suffice.
Please ensure that the sponsor clearly indicates that he/she has no plans to be either on Sabbatical or unpaid leave during the relevant year of the Fellowship.
The academic committee also requires the sponsor to assess whether or not the stated research can be completed in one year or whether there will be a need for an extension of one more year.
If you fulfill the minimum criteria for eligibility, please click on the link below to access the online application system.
(Applications will automatically be considered for various Hebrew University funds along with The Lady Davis Fellowship Trust fund.)